Via Flickr by gingerpig2000 |
This week's post is late, for which I proffer you all a thousand apologies. Thesis panic has hit full force and with it my workload seems to have doubled. Combine this with the pressure of job applications and interviews and you have my current disorganised, frantic state.
However out of this morass of confusion and sleep deprivation was born this week's topic- the best ways to procrastinate from work.
Escapism is seductive and whilst procrastination is clearly bad in great quantities, everybody needs a break now and then.
The ideal procrastination tool has to be short or in small units so you are not distracted for too long and ideally it should make you feel like you are still accomplishing something to ward off the guilt of not working.
There are a variety of media represented here so there should be something for everybody currently engaged in a thankless task they'd rather not be doing.
1.) Webcomics
I am a huge aficionado of webcomics and have been for some time. There are years of archives to get caught up on but once you're on track they provide a short daily respite as you follow the progressing story.
Here are three of my favourites that I strongly reccommend to you all:
http://www.sheldoncomics.com/ Sheldon is a ten year old genius who lives with hist grandfather, his pug Oso, Arthur the talking duck he created, and Arthur's adopted son Flaco the lizard. Whats not to like? Its funny, its heartwarming (if a little Nerdcore upon occasion) and its the perfect antidote to life's worries.
http://www.girlswithslingshots.com/ This is definitely a comic for the job-seekers and twenty-somethings. Hazel, Jamie and friends present the life worries and problems we all share against a charmingly drawn backdrop of Canada and coffee shops. Oh and there's a talking Scottish cactus called McPedro.
www.pvponline.com A classic, almost one might say a quintessential, webcomic; PVP (Player vs Player) is one of the oldest and most successful webcomics around. Initially a gaming comic PVP blossomed into a clever, tongue in cheek commentary on human relationships and workplace interactions.
2.) The Complete Guide to Everything (Podcast)
The Complete Guide To Everything is a weekly podcast produced by New Yorkers Tom Reynolds and Tim Daniels with the initial, ambitious aim to produce an audio rival to wikipedia by picking a topic each week and providing a 'complete guide' to it.
Since its first few episodes TCGTE has grown in scope, audience and audio fidelity to become a regular in the itunes top downloaded podcasts both in the US and in the UK, prompting the first of what we hope will be many live shows held in London and New York this year.
Not only are they hilarious- do not make the mistake of listening to them in the library- they are also surprisingly informative upon occasion: their beatles episode provided me with all my knowledge on the subject and their episode about North Korea was similarly interesting.
They are even more entertaining however when they don't know what they're talking about- below is one of my favourite quotes from the Superbowl episode:
Tim: Since this is our official superbowl episode...I will give you $100 Tom, right now, if you can name for me the two teams playing in the superbowl next week
3.) Sporle
You may or may not be aware of this valuable time wasting resource. If you are, you'll understand what I mean, if you're not then allow me to explain.
Sporcle is a website that collates and produces timed quizzes on any topic under the sun- name the original 150 pokemon, name all the countries in the world, name all the elements in the periodic table...
Its fun- whether playing on your own or in a group with a designated 'typist'- and it is extremely challenging on occasion (how many African countries can YOU name?). Most importantly it makes you feel like you're doing something useful- your brain is still engaged. Definitely a site to bookmark.
4.) Twitter
I am a (relatively) new convert to twitter and I have to say it is ideal for time wasting. Endless updates for you to read and respond to, posting your own messages, following trending topics...
Again this is something that can convince you (assuming you follow the right people) that you're doing something useful- I get most of my news about the outside world from twitter these days.
If you're already on twitter these are three new people for you to follow and if you're a newbie they're a great place to start.
@NickMB- Although occasionally guilty of quantity over quality, Nick's tweets are endlessly diverting and extremely numerous covering a good range of issues humerous, cultural and topical. One to follow if only to find out what the hashtag #tfts stands for...
@universityboy- writer of the University blog
http://theuniversityblog.co.uk/ his tweets are extremely relevant and often link to interesting articles about the future of higher education in Britain. Interesting and topical, if occasionally disquieting, he is an excellent person to follow for news and politics updates relevant to our generation.
@LucyMangan the guardian columnist par excellance she should be followed simply because she's amazing and always links to excellent things (including her own work). Also check her archives out at the guardian website for a procrastination bonus!
There you have it folks- my favourite ways to break from work (when I'm not watching South Park that is). Feel free to share your own favourites in the comments below.
Now if you'll excuse me I have some work to do...